The Best For Spring - Are You Using These Yet?


Spring Favourites

The first month of spring has come and gone already. And while we love the blossoms and lighter evenings, we are so excited for summer. Spring has already demonstrated its changeability and you might have experienced some of those ills and chills that come with the change in season.

To help keep you and your family healthy we have handpicked some of our favourite products for spring!


Get Glowing Skin

This product is a family favourite and the perfect natural addition to your first aid kit. Our Golden Skin Repair Oil can help with all things skin. It is great for itchy bites, irritated skin, dry skin and conditions like eczema and psoriasis. This oil centres around St John's Wort which can also help with conditions like sciatica and fibromyalgia, but also pain from overused bodies.

🌿 RelatedThe Best Ways To Care For Your Skin Naturally


For Energy And Antioxidants

There are so many ways you can enjoy our Elderberry Switchel. It's the perfect morning prebiotic, and you can even take it as an after-activity rehydration drink. Our Switchel combines Otago elderberries, fresh ginger root, mānuka leaves and flowers which are infused for several weeks in raw organic apple cider vinegar and raw Dunedin honey. On a hot day it is a lovely addition to a glass of sparkling water, but our Switchel can also be taken hot or neat.

🌿 Related: Learn more about the power of elderberries here

Your Everyday Tonic

Daily Boost is a liquid nutritive formula that combines the powerful health benefits of rosehip, kawakawa, and nettle. Rosehips contain one of the highest plant-based forms of vitamin C – which we all need as we cannot produce this vitamin ourselves.

Vitamin C helps not only reduce inflammation but also helps support your immunity and helps when you are sick with fighting the ills and chills. This is the perfect tonic to give you that extra boost to get you through spring.

🌿 Related: Learn more about the powerful ingredients in Daily Boost here

Full Range

You can shop our full product range here

Advice: Use as directed. Discontinue if any irritation arises. If symptoms persist see your health care professional.

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