3 Of The Best Ways To Detox Naturally And Safely
What is a detox?
Detox! One of the most used words in natural health and one we have some issues with. If you google the 'best ways to detox' you'll find many different companies claiming their supplement is the solution. But a detox is what your body does on its own all the time. Your body is amazing - it works 24 hours a day to ensure you are healthy. A detox is just your liver working normally, helping to remove waste from your body.
To some, a detox may mean many products, strict protocols and complicated programmes. Often, people embark on detoxes to lose weight, eliminate 'toxins' or kick-start a health regime. The word detox pops up a lot around this time of year, and it might have you wondering, 'what are the best ways to detox?' And 'how do I do it safely?' If you are, know you've come to the right place.
We know of many ‘detoxes’ that promote multiple pills a day, fasting and restricting certain foods. Some protocols can be expensive, unsustainable and filled with so many ingredients! Often, they promise weight loss, clearer skin and more energy, but this can be hard to measure, and people usually find it hard to see the promised results. So, if you are wondering if a detox is right for you, more often than not, the answer is no - these aren't the best ways to detox.
While it is always a great idea to eat more fresh and whole foods (and there are documented benefits from reducing the amount you eat), we are not big fans of complicated and expensive detox programmes as we believe they can add more stress to not only your body but our environment and wallet!

Detoxing can be hard on your body. Restricting calories and taking large amounts of supplements adds stress to your liver and can make you feel tired and sick.
If you are considering if a detox is really good for you, here are some things to consider. Some people can take detox programmes too far and continue on restricted calories or liquid diets, which can lead to malnutrition, deficiency in minerals, vitamins and electrolytes, poor health and even long-term organ damage. Some detox protocols include laxatives, which can irritate the gut and cause dehydration.
Comprehensive detoxes are not for everyone; people who are pregnant, elderly, those with blood sugar disturbances and younger people should not embark on detox ‘plans’. It can be harmful and exacerbate underlying health conditions or metabolic conditions.
Remember that detoxing is a process that your body does itself naturally. Everything you eat, drink, breathe and put on your skin goes via your liver.
Your liver sifts through everything you put into your body and eliminates what you don’t need. The way your liver does that is through your detoxification pathways. If your liver doesn’t remove certain products, they could build up within your body and become toxic. Once your liver has helped to remove these substances, you eliminate them through your faeces, urine and sweat.
3 of the best ways to detox naturally
Your body is clever and capable of doing this process independently. But one of the best ways to detox is to support your liver and make this process more efficient.
It might be a good idea to look at supporting your body if you notice a change in your bowel habits or how you digest foods. This can often be a sign that your body may need temporary support to remove congestion.
1. Eat liver loving foods
3. Include bitter flavours into your everyday
Including more bitter flavours into your diet is one of the best ways to detox as it support your livers natural functions. That is why we created a product to support your detoxification pathways. Our Liver Bitters is a synergistic blend of plants that work to enhance your body’s innate ability to detoxify.
- Calendula - a plant that helps support lymphatic movement and helps to support clear skin as well as tasting bitter!
- Mānuka - a native plant to Aotearoa which is very bitter and has been used traditionally to support healthy digestion.
- Globe artichoke - which has been used for years to support the liver, pancreas and also healthy digestion and elimination.
- Cardamom - a spice that helps support healthy digestion.
This formula of plants work together to help your body in different parts of digesting and ‘detoxing’. The beauty of whole plant extracts is that the active constituents within the plants all work together to help support the main action - which is better elimination.

Skye MacFarlane- Naturopath/Medical Herbalist for Wild Dispensary
Advice: Use as directed. Discontinue if any irritation arises. If symptoms persist see your health care professional.