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Helpful Tips
10 Clever Natural Ways To Improve Digestion
Digestion is probably one of the most important things you do. You need food and nutrients to survive, but how you access and utilise food and nutrition is incredibly important to the state of your health. Gut health has become trendy and is talked about a lot these days - but to be fair - it's not new.
Health practitioners have talked about digestion, how our gut works and things we can do to support a better relationship with food for hundreds of years. Some of their advice is not only still relevant but now backed up by science. So what are some natural ways to improve your digestion?
1 Embrace Bitter
2 Look At Your Diet
By that we mean actually have a bit of an audit and see what you are eating. Is it mostly carbohydrate based? Are you eating vegetables daily? Are you eating at all? Some people are so busy they run on coffee and forget to eat entirely. Are there small swaps you can make to add in some wholefoods?
For example - the way we eat has become more about convenience than nutrition so often we will grab a pastry or a biscuit instead of a meal. Which is totally fine, but not ideal if it’s all the time because they aren’t high in the micronutrients you need for good health. Being aware of what meal you struggle with the most may make it easier to focus on one change at a time as a natural way to improve digestion.
3 Relax
4 Eat More Fibre
5 Eat Fermented Foods
Fermented foods are age old ways of adding in good bacteria and the perfect way to naturally improve your digestion. By incorporating sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir or kombucha into your diet you are adding in beneficial microbes to naturally support healthier digestion. When you start to include these products please start small, e.g. a teaspoon of kimchi or a 1/4 cup of kombucha, as they are functional foods and if you over consume them your stomach may be overwhelmed leaving you feeling a little uncomfortable.
6 Apple Cider Vinegar

7 Probiotics
8 Drink Water
Easy hack - drink water. It flushes the waste products out and is one of the best natural ways to support your digestive system. Often people think they have poor digestion but really they are just dehydrated!
A drink bottle can help increase your water intake and before you snack have a glass of water and see if you were just thirsty. Water can really help support healthy digestion and healthy skin - you just need to drink it regularly.
9 Stretch And Move
Try and move more. Our lives may be more sedentary than previous generations but if you can stretch and move a bit more it is another great natural way to support your digestive and lymphatic systems. Micro exercise breaks are great for that. You don’t have to commit to 45 minutes a day - a simple 3 minute walk or the stairs instead of the lift all adds up.
10 Chew More
Simple but true. Chewing your food more breaks it down into smaller pieces exposing it to salivary enzymes which help with the extraction of the nutrients within the food. It also helps support a more efficient digestion and can reduce the chances of indigestion and discomfort from eating too much or too fast.
1 comment
Posted on by MaryThankyou so much food for thought . Was just talking about nettles yesterday and milk thistle .